Category: accelerationism

  • Orbital War One

    Orbital War One

    Here is a short story, heavily inspired by Maurice Dantec’s sequel to Babylon Babies, Satellite Sisters. It is one of my favorite books, written where Elon Musk and Richard Branson escape to a private moon base while being chased by the UN 2.0. No English translation is available, but I translated a chapter myself last…

  • On Maximizing Intelligence

    On Maximizing Intelligence

    What is a classic? It is something that persists over time, like Plato’s Republic or Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor. We can even say it is something that survives, while most materials are things that always get replaced by the latest current thing. 4chan is more than 20 years old and has always…

  • The Occult Designer

    The Occult Designer

    [This illustration is a part of my Solana NFT Collection on ] TL;DR : Forbidden Design + Occultism ≈ Use value maxxing. There were two major steps in my journey as a designer: my encounter with Cody Wilson’s work and my reading of Marx’s “Das Kapital”. I will delve more into the former in…

  • I need $ for my Vision Pro

    I need $ for my Vision Pro

    Level-1 or world space is an anthropomorphically scaled, predominantly visionconfigured, massively multi-slotted reality system that is obsolescing very rapidly. Garbage time is running out. Can what is playing you make it to level-2? – Nick Land, Meltdown There are two events. One is that I have finished working on a PDF publishing platform and found…

  • The letter K in Nick Land’s work

    The letter K in Nick Land’s work

    I recently encountered an array of concepts designated by the K letter and this in just a few weeks of the interval. They all deal with mathematics or physics. Most come from my reading of Nick Land’s Fanged Noumena, but not only. Kuber When reading Land’s Fanged Noumena, you will encounter the letter K numerous…

  • Whats is E/ACC?

    Whats is E/ACC?

    What’s E/ACC (pronounced /ˈiːak/) ? At first it was a meme, distributed around Tweets, bios and Twitter spaces. Patient zero unknown. Newspapers started to talk about it, but only scratched the surface. This post is an attempt to reverse engineer E/ACC, to get its substance. Accelerationism First we need to define accelerationism. Accelerationism refers to…

  • Geo-engineering: The Tech to Cool the Earth

    Geo-engineering: The Tech to Cool the Earth

    “We absolutely must put an end to this crazy experiment of releasing billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.” Elon Musk The reality of climate change This article looks at geoengineering, a technique critical to the future of humanity, through the eyes of Make Sunsets, one of the first start-ups daring to implement it.…

  • The Hyper-Sadism of the Patriarchic State

    The Hyper-Sadism of the Patriarchic State

    It was Eva’s morning. She was gently wake-up by her blindfold, which was integrating a sunrise alarm clock system. Blindfold that only this connected alarm system can unlock, otherwise it stays in place. Like everyday, her first vision is Gaspard. It was her husband, her lover, her owner. He has the physic and the curly…



    I restarted a book I left ten years ago. Satellite Sister by Maurice Dantec, the sequel to its Babylon Babies. The story has an amazing cyberpunk setting, taking place in 2030,  involving space race, global governance, UNollar, Richard Brandson. It’s the perfect Deus Ex bootleg. Unfortunately this book does not exist in English, but I…

  • Dungeon News, May 2023

    Dungeon News, May 2023

    Here are some cool things I am working on. Urbit I am back to a 100% Urbit after a few months of errance, due to the fact that I did not perform a factory reset when switching from Port to Urbit’s CLI. I am still very bullish on Urbit especially because France (my native country)…