Category: Divers

  • “A good and generous man”

    “A good and generous man”

    By a strange coincidence, when Justin Murphy shared his newsletter on Mussolini, I had just finished “Conversation Hitler-Mussolini”. A book that studies transcripts of meetings, letters and notes from third parties involved in the Mussolini-Hilter relationship between 1934-1944. His author, Pierre Milza, a Science Po teacher, is one of top-tier specialists of Mussolini. Like a…

  • Dungeon News, May 2023

    Dungeon News, May 2023

    Here are some cool things I am working on. Urbit I am back to a 100% Urbit after a few months of errance, due to the fact that I did not perform a factory reset when switching from Port to Urbit’s CLI. I am still very bullish on Urbit especially because France (my native country)…

  • Cody Wilson, or Technology as Political mean

    Cody Wilson, or Technology as Political mean

    This article is translation of an article I originally wrote for Rage Magazine, Cody Wilson – la technologie comme moyen Politique. The year is 2012. A video promoting a project of 3D printable weapons was put online. In it, in a very Steve Jobs fashion, a guy named Cody Wilson launched the crowdfunding of the…

  • A Sadistic Female Burglar

    A Sadistic Female Burglar

    My first contact with the French bondage-o-sphere was the stories. They were often romanticized, unbelievable, uneven in terms of syntax and spelling, but each one made us feel the perverse imagination of its author. They were free, easy to access, on sites like Histoires de Ligotage which did not ask for any registration or age…

  • #FoodPorn : Rigatoni Al Tonno

    #FoodPorn : Rigatoni Al Tonno

    ..Egalement appelé pâtes au thon! Suite à plusieurs demandes sur Twitter, j’ai décidé de vous livrer ma recette des Rigatonis Al Tonno, simple et rapide à préparer. Le secret qui me vient directement de Naples : utiliser des tomates cerises plutôt que des tomates en grappes, elles sont plus sucrées et donneront plus de goût à…