Category: writing

  • The Paul Atréides of Sadism

    The Paul Atréides of Sadism

    In the world I see – you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You’ll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You’ll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. – Tyler Durden Last week I was taken by a…

  • Dungeon News, January 2024

    Dungeon News, January 2024

    As we embark on a new year, let us collectively harness the lessons and intellectual triumphs of the past to pave a path towards a year replete with enlightened discovery and profound wisdom. – ChatGTP 4, opening sentence from a high IQ individual wishing Happy New Year. Welcome back to the Accelerationist Party. Wish we…

  • Cars, engines of Eroticism

    Cars, engines of Eroticism

    I am riding my car, a bound gagged girl in a truck.I am a rider,a sex criminal.A cybernetic organism.Me, the duct tape, the car, and soon the girl will only make one.With the chromed tape, my victim is on her way to merge with the machine.I crossed the bridge between mind and matter. Outside the…

  • The Lack of Your Lashing

    The Lack of Your Lashing

    When browsing Twitter (a deadly addiction of mine) I encountered one of of @Agrumax_‘s tweets, about an unpublished piece where she has talking about her rapist. I am notorious for posing as a publisher, so why not… publishing? She accepted, translated her poem herself and here we are. If you too, want to publish on…

  • Midlife bear market

    Midlife bear market

    My career is dead, my bank account is close to zero each month, most of my time is drawn into parenting and I am going to hit forty next year. I am inhabited by frustration, by the feeling that my life is going nowhere. Words need to be dropped: I am having my midlife crisis.…

  • Je veux un monde plus Fétichiste

    Je veux un monde plus Fétichiste

    Cette poésie (ou manifeste je ne sais pas trop) est un texte de NENSHI EGAWA, publié sur ma plateforme Pour le moment je reste indécis sur le sort de cette plateforme (écriture, sadisme et start-up sont-ils compatibles?) mais je souhaitais à tout prix partager ce texte d’une grande qualité. Vous trouverez à la fin…

  • Publish your text at Sade.Club

    Publish your text at Sade.Club

    I am finally presenting what I was up to for the last few months, but before that, I wanted to issue a warning. A toothless, contained version of this project exists. It was built, not for the project itself, but for the purpose of having a line on my CV. I was sacrificing the erotic…