Author: marquis

  • Midlife bear market

    Midlife bear market

    My career is dead, my bank account is close to zero each month, most of my time is drawn into parenting and I am going to hit forty next year. I am inhabited by frustration, by the feeling that my life is going nowhere. Words need to be dropped: I am having my midlife crisis.…

  • Cody Wilson, or Technology as Political mean

    Cody Wilson, or Technology as Political mean

    This article is translation of an article I originally wrote for Rage Magazine, Cody Wilson – la technologie comme moyen Politique. The year is 2012. A video promoting a project of 3D printable weapons was put online. In it, in a very Steve Jobs fashion, a guy named Cody Wilson launched the crowdfunding of the…

  • Je veux un monde plus Fétichiste

    Je veux un monde plus Fétichiste

    Cette poésie (ou manifeste je ne sais pas trop) est un texte de NENSHI EGAWA, publié sur ma plateforme Pour le moment je reste indécis sur le sort de cette plateforme (écriture, sadisme et start-up sont-ils compatibles?) mais je souhaitais à tout prix partager ce texte d’une grande qualité. Vous trouverez à la fin…

  • Publish your text at Sade.Club

    Publish your text at Sade.Club

    I am finally presenting what I was up to for the last few months, but before that, I wanted to issue a warning. A toothless, contained version of this project exists. It was built, not for the project itself, but for the purpose of having a line on my CV. I was sacrificing the erotic…

  • Free speech : Killing the Conversation

    Free speech : Killing the Conversation

    Since the Charlie Hebdo attack in january 2015, free speech has become subject to a constant entropy, and this at the western scale. Because this entropy was impossible to translate into metrics or even to complexe tensors, this degradation has been silent for the majority of the population and inintelligible for the minority that was…



    TLDR; Eroticism has reappeared, incarnated by the Soundcloud rapper wave. The whole phenomenon is powered by social media algorithms, abstracting capitalism from humanity, letting his subjects to submit themselves to their own will for erotic destruction. If you consider Romeo and Juliette, Anna Karenina, The Red And The Black, they all have  this one thing…

  • A Sadistic Female Burglar

    A Sadistic Female Burglar

    My first contact with the French bondage-o-sphere was the stories. They were often romanticized, unbelievable, uneven in terms of syntax and spelling, but each one made us feel the perverse imagination of its author. They were free, easy to access, on sites like Histoires de Ligotage which did not ask for any registration or age…

  • La Liberté d’Expression en France

    La Liberté d’Expression en France

    Bienvenue sur le site du Marquis pour un nouveau billet! Aujourd’hui, nous allons parler du grand absent de l’après Charlie Hebdo : la liberté d’expression. Les débats n’ont tourné que sur la religion, avant d’aboutir à une orgie des lois anti-racisme* qui auraient fait passer la rédaction de Charlie Hebdo directement devant un tribunal correctionnel.…

  • #FoodPorn : Rigatoni Al Tonno

    #FoodPorn : Rigatoni Al Tonno

    ..Egalement appelé pâtes au thon! Suite à plusieurs demandes sur Twitter, j’ai décidé de vous livrer ma recette des Rigatonis Al Tonno, simple et rapide à préparer. Le secret qui me vient directement de Naples : utiliser des tomates cerises plutôt que des tomates en grappes, elles sont plus sucrées et donneront plus de goût à…

  • Tarantino, le dernier des sensualistes

    Tarantino, le dernier des sensualistes

    J’avais brièvement parlé de la doctrine sensualisme dans mon précédent billet, Manuel du Fétichisme pour le Gentleman. pour le rappel, j’étais tombé dessus pendant ma lecture de La Venus à la Fourrure, où Séverin, le personnage principal, ce réclame avidement de ce courant de pensé. Intrigué et m’identifiant à ce héros à la fois passionné…