Black Flag White Paper by Cody Wilson

My post The Occult Designer was recently featured  in Cody Wilson’s last piece of writing, The Black Flag White Paper. It focuses on the conflict between Deterrence Dispensed and Wilson’s GunCad, which makes files conceived by the firsts publicly available. Because Deterrence Dispensed wanted to make $ with these files and their donation model did not succeed (which is unfortunate and I do not judge them), they decided to launch a lawsuit against Wilson’s site.

The paper develops three issues:

  • Theses files cannot be put under any copyright (they are not art)
  • By launching a lawsuit, Deterrence Dispensed exposes themselves to be doxxed by the very same lawsuit.
  • Restriction of guns files via copyright would lead to what the 3D gun printing was supposed to prevent : the end of the free circulation of firearms files. 

Here is the Black Flag White Paper PDF file.

The feud between Deterrence Dispensed and Defence Distributed is also developed in the video GunCAD: History and Value


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